Affiliate program
The Cove Pub invites its partners to expand cooperation.
Take part in our Affiliate Program!
The essence of the program is quite simple - you generate a QR code on your page and share it as a picture or by phone to your friends and people you know – potential clients of the Cove pub.
When your friend or a person you know comes to the Cove pub and makes a payment on the bill, then, by showing the QR code on his/her smartphone, this person automatically receives a discount from 3% to 7% on his/her order. As a partner, you choose the discount percentage yourself. This order is recorded in your “personal account” on the Cove website according to your personal identifier.
With each client brought to the Cove pub - you get a reward of up to 20% of the bill paid by the client.
Advantages of our program:
- You and your friends can have a great time in the Cove Pub with a glass of excellent draft beer.
- You have an opportunity to earn with the Cove Pub.
- You can receive affiliate commission twice a month.
- You can monitor orders in real time through our website.
- We guarantee honesty and transparency.
- The Cove Pub partners are always the first ones to know about events and promotions
You may register if you wish to join the Affiliate program. Our staff member will contact you within 24 hours.
The Cove Pub reserves the right to change the terms unilaterally. Rules may be changed without prior notice to the Contractor.